The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100656   Message #2022904
Posted By: Jim Lad
12-Apr-07 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: Review: If Bob Dylan was Irish
Subject: RE: Review: If Bob Dylan was Irish
Damn! Replace "My" on the last line of each verse with "The".
Never mind, I'll do it, meself!

Paddy Dylan's "Times They are a Changing"

Come gather round people wherever you be
And I'll sing you a verse of "The Rose of Tralee"
And if you know three chords you can play it with me
Coz I'm not too big on arranging
And I hope you don't mind
If I sing out of key
For the voice it keeps a changing.

Come Fiddlers Come whistlers come Mandolins all
And we'll play in a circle, our backs to the wall
And if some wee girl dances We'll all have a ball
Coz we love to see pretty young maidens
And if I play a bum note
Don't blame me at all
For the strings they need a changing.

Come Fathers Come Mothers and raise up your glass
Oh my God poor ould Paddy just fell on his arse
He'll be cursing tomorrow, his leg in a cast
And his wife will surely be raging.
Oh and once I was slow
Now I'm singing real fast
For the underwear needs a changing!

Jim Brannigan

Much better. "O'Dylanesque", if I must say so meself, meself!