The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100667   Message #2023009
Posted By: Jeanie
12-Apr-07 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Smerkin mekin, old English -translation?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Smerkin mekin, old English -translation?
Interesting information on the origin and uses of the word here:

Merkins, Grimalkins and Maid Marians

I had always thought up until now that it was just the name for a cat, as in "I come, greymalkin", as spoken by 1st Witch in Macbeth.

In my innocence, had never heard of such an item of "apparel" - but apparently originally worn in earlier centuries by prostitutes who had shaved to guard against lice, and now worn for "decorative" purposes, in various colours and shapes. learn something new every day....

- jeanie