The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100629   Message #2023438
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
12-Apr-07 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don Imus replacment
Subject: RE: BS: Don Imus replacment
A few thoughts on this occured to me after running through the thread.
There is a huge difference between a Chappelle, who, like Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, etc; are comedians with a social point of view in their humor. Imus professes to be an interviewer and, yes, he fancies himself clever.   I think that a piece in the entertainment section of today's NY Times hit the nail on the head---it states that for years his side-kick and producer has been doing truly distasteful humor (part of his job--at the expense of Blacks, Roman Catholics, and Jews, Hillary Clinton among others). Imus cast himself above the fray and just, sort of listened and chuckled. The material was scripted (by said producer).

This time Imus, for who knows what reason, just jumped in the mud along with him.
If people really want to hear good interviews w/ content there are plenty around---in NY there are Brian Lehrer and Leonard Lopate---there is Terri Gross and her syndicated NPR show.

In all honesty I may have heard him only once or twice (Imus) years back and could not bear to listen to someone I can barely understand because he sounds like he has marbles in his mouth---just like the great Greek orator who used them better his speech. But he took them out.

   As to the comment by---I think it was Ron in response to the comments regarding saying something terrible in the privacy of your own place --it is your business but if a neighbor hears a tape of it should you be forced to move. Of course not. The BIG difference is that Imus and those like him are polluting the public airwaves. Those airwaves are, in theory, owned by all of us and have to follow certain standards. OK--Cable is different. Imus is not on cable (except NBC---which has cancelled the show).

   The interesting thing now is why NBC and perhaps CBS will cancel him---I doubt it has anything to do with high moral standards. Rather sponsors jumping ship left and right.   But, don;t run any benefits for Imus he will survive withouth his 10 Million a year (imagine that)---his ego may not.
    As to his charitable work. I tip my hat (if I wore one) to him---many people also do good works and are not as sleazy. Gee, I bet even Hitler set up orphanages for the little aryan kiddies left bereft by the deaths of the parents in his war.

Bill Hahn