The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2023822
Posted By: Dickey
13-Apr-07 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Dear Bobert:

A victory in Iraq would be, not look like, a diminishment of violence or a period of time that would eventually lead to stability in Iraq and denying terrirosts another operating base.

Of course that is my opinion which probably varies from your opinion. You are welcome to your opinions and you are welcome to express them with out fear of me calling you names because I disagree. I hope you are civil enough to show me the same courtesy.

Amos is by no means stupid or ugly our mean or anything derogatory that I can think of other than wrong. However he is disengenuous when avoiding answers to questions when the answer is contrary to or does not support opinions he echos here.

Now he claims he does not understand the meaning of "terrorist threat"

He engages in defensively calling me names and in the process exposes the fact that he is guilty of the exact same thing he acuses me of. Such as the term "arm waver"

Amos: if you still need to be educated on what a terrorist threat is, perhaps you can get some guidance for a fellow anti war hero here.