The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2023857
Posted By: Barry Finn
13-Apr-07 - 02:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
How can a victory in Iraq look like this?

"A victory in Iraq would be, not look like, a diminishment of violence or a period of time that would eventually lead to stability in Iraq and denying terrirosts another operating base."

When before we arrived & invaded Iraq, Iraq was stable & had denieded terrorists any operating base which to work & train from. It's only after we arrived that Iraq had all these problems. Saddam was a problem but he was not our problem & Iraq had a problem but it was not our problem. They became our problems when we decided to invade Iraq for other reasons that we've yet to be told

As far as a terrorist threat Dickey, I'm more concerned with the terrorists that are in our White House than any others. They are more dangerous to our nation & have already done far more damage than any others could've hoped for.

It's not about "we fight them there or we fight them here". They are here, they have been here, they are US, we are them. The world doesn't hate US because we are the good guys, they hate US because we are world wide oppressors, you are with either with US or you are done for.

Victory will never be ours, we don't know who we're fighting nor why we're fighting & a war waged without the support of its' people can not out last the will of the people invaded with whom we wage war against. Aside from it being an excerise in futility it's just plain ignorant of us to try to bring OUR freedom to another nation at the point of a gun but we all know that's not what this was all about. Now we have created a civil war, we must be doing something right, right & now we're gonna choose side in this civil war right, right again, how wrong can we be.

