The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100629   Message #2024409
Posted By: Donuel
13-Apr-07 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don Imus replacment
Subject: RE: BS: Don Imus replacment
MS-NBC talk show host Tucker Carlson (where Donohue once had a TV show) has just been named by CBS to host a game show next season. The show is called "Who Do You Trust?" The answer to that is not Tucker's dad's friends at the neocon contrivance which has largely replaced the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). That would be the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, co-chaired by Tucker's father, former Voice of America and Corporation for Public Broadcasting chief Richard Carlson. FDD has Gingrich, James Woolsey, Joe Lieberman, and Louis Freeh as its "Distinguished Advisers." It is ironic that a day after CBS canned Don Imus it picks up the annoying neocon "Jimmy Olson look-alike" Tucker Carlson to host a game show. Yes, America, the media is controlled by a tightly-knit cabal of corporate gnomes.