The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100765   Message #2025032
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
14-Apr-07 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Clean PC - Good Protection Software?
Subject: Tech: Clean PC - Good Protection Software?
Hi All.
Because of the crud which builds up over time on a computer, I am about to take a WInXP computer back to basics - restoring one of my original backuups and essentially starting from scratch with what I install on it.
I have decided that it would make sense to put in some of the more useful utilities, for keeping the nasties at bay. Of course, like most of us, I don't have money to waste where a commercial product has an equivalent free programme which does essentially the same job.
Obviously, I don't want to find that I have acidentally installed something malicious, which is masquerading as a legitimate programme, either.
I already use certaun pieces of software which I am happy with:-
The free personal versions of Zone Alarm and AVG-Antivirus for essential protection and also Ad-Aware and Spybot Search & Destroy to rooy out the spyware.
I am looking for advice on other extra protections which might be worth adding.
What utillities have you used, and were they worth having?
Did they create other problems, and if so, what or why?

In the past, on Mudcat various programmes have been mentioned by members, I'd like sone info about what they do and how they might help me.
Examples include :-
The Proximotron?

I would also like opinions of the programmes which clean out junk from your system. Registry repair tools, Junk File Cleaning software (the ones which remove temp files and unwanted cookies), programmes which claim to find duplicate files, so you can keep one master copy and delete the rest.
I would also be interested in opinions of programmes which manage your system, stop unnecessary programmes running without you asking, or reclaim wasted memory usage locked up by poor programming. And what about "tweaking" Windows settings so the computer runs more smoothly?

I am sure the people who use them will have opinions about their effectiveness.
I am also certain that I am not the only person who might benefit from an up-to date review of what is available.

If any of you respond, I'll probably ask more specific questions in the light of what you might say.
Many thanks in advance.
Geoff the Duck.