The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100629   Message #2025050
Posted By: beardedbruce
14-Apr-07 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Don Imus replacment
Subject: RE: BS: Don Imus replacment

"I find it hard to believe that anyone with more than a teaspoon full of brains is unable to decide what will offend and what won't. Remember the "Golden Rule"?"

"As far as I know, "Bushite" is a kickname for anyone who believes in GW Bush.No more, no less."

And n-----r was just a word to describ blacks back before the Civil War.

The use of "BuShite" has been as a derogatory name for anyone that does not toe the Liberal Party line, especially here.

So, If I call you, repeatedly a "DemoCrap" whenever you make any comment I do not like, even after you had asked me to stop, you would not consider that I was trying to be insulting?