The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100629   Message #2025139
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
14-Apr-07 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Don Imus replacment
Subject: RE: BS: Don Imus replacment
Ron Davies - you are naive. Even you should be able to see where the path to "book burning" begins. Playing spin doctor won't deny it. Freedoms are not simply removed. The process begins slowly as the populace is brainwashed. Already signs are evident, such as the FCC's heavy-handed dealing with "obscenity". It is very true that the FCC had nothing to do with it, but there were calls for the FCC to do something - notably from Al Sharpton who helped galvanize this witch hunt.

You are also naive when you say that boycotting from advertisers is the best plan of action. While it is true in theory, and I do support boycotts, you fail to acknowledge that these boycotts can also be orchestrated. The blacklist of the 1950's was such a case. The American Legion played a big role in having many people blacklisted, including the Weavers. Naturally not all members felt that way, but having an organization's name behind a boycott allows greater impact. The fact that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were behind this movement against Don Imus shows the power of organizations.   

Control the media and you can control the way people think. The deregulation by the FCC that begain in the 1980's backfired against liberal causes. Instead of allowing for greater diversity and sharing of ideas, it led to corporate ownership of the media.