The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2025436
Posted By: Bobert
14-Apr-07 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
You know, Amos... I believe that the American people are in ***over-load*** with just how currupt the Bush administration is... I must confess that I am no longer surprised by anything that comes out... Yeah, I still don't like it but, geeze Louse...

...I have become weary with the new revelations...

This is like Watergate X 100...

And, just a thought, if I can become weary with new news of more corruption I'm wondering just how folks who aren't as passionate are feeling???

Too bad we don't have those folks to ask here in Mudville... I'd be real curious...

I mean, there does come a time when everyone knows the game is won ot lost, the last punch has been thrown and folks just go on with the rest of their lives... Everyone, with the exception of the "true believers", knows that Bush and his buds are as corrupt as America has ever seen and I kinda get the feeling that manybe a fan gets in the 4th quarter when his team is up or behind by 100 points...

Yeah, I slog away at Bush on the war but (horrors) I am getting bored with the corruption...

Maybe I just need a short vacation...

Maybe I'll fell different tomorrow...

Right now, Jan. 21, 2009 can't come fast enough...
