The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100629   Message #2025451
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
14-Apr-07 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don Imus replacment
Subject: RE: BS: Don Imus replacment
Ron Davies---You make the comment about the the head of CBS' great moral lecture for the reason of firing Imus. As I said at the start of all this---well, toward the middle, if they do it--and they should it will be for the wrong reasons. I was right.

Moonves waited until the sponsors bailed out and then spouts about the great morality issue. Now---that is hypocrisy. If CBS had fired him the next day---or years ago---they would have the moral authority for their statement---not after lining their pockets by his sleaze (as others do with the likes of people like Stern and more) for years.

This brings me to Sharpton and Jackson.   I cannot say anything about the pot calling the kettle anything since that, surely, would be misconstrued. Let me just say that Sharpton and Jackson have their agendas and if they see a parade they get in front to lead ASAP. These are the leaders of such monumental morality that Jackson called NYC "Hymietown"---and of course he apologized, Sharpton ---who can count the times he has stepped over the line. Let us start with the Brawley case.   

Imus, to his own discredit, gives himself away when, in the heat of his confrontation with Sharpton, used the expression " people". So much for not getting to his real feelings.

Except for the basketball team, it seems that no one in this entire matter has any great morality---from CBS (NBC is sort of a gray area here--to me)Imus, and the rest of the colorful drum majors.

If all practiced the golden rule and listned to intelligent discussion on less listened to radio outlets we would all be in a better place. Of course, like TV, the "less listened to" outlets are that because they do not cater to the lowest common denominator---or as a novel about radio in the 1950s said of the audience---"...the great unwashed".

Bill Hahn