The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2025580
Posted By: Bobert
14-Apr-07 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Glad it ain't juts me who is weary of corruption.... I mean, I almost hate to buy yet another newspaper and find yet more lies and more stuff tthat makes Watergate look like someone forgettin' to put the salad fork to the left of the dinner fork...

I feel like a prisoner on one hand and an observer to an exection on the other and don't much like either...

It's like the nightmare that just won't end... Every day thers are more lies discovered... More corruption... Hey, the old me would have started a thread about Wolfowitz's girlfriend but...


I kinda think of it as a coach who is winning a football game 64-0 with two minutes left to go and on the opponent's 5 yard line with 30 seconds left to play... I don't want to score again... I'm tired of scoring thou Bush and his cronnies are such patsies that I know if I call any play I'm going to score...

But, hey, I guess I'd rather be on my side than the poor losing side... Yeah, I feel for the folks here in Mudvilles who have so valiently defended Bush and his folks... No, I commend them but it's time for all of us to just let some of this corruption slip on by, let the historians sort it out and start countin' the days until Bush and his guys (and gals) are history...

But, hey, it's painfull to watch and it's painfull to wait for these crooks to get outta power...
