The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2026036
Posted By: Don Firth
15-Apr-07 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
I see that others feel pretty much the way I do about the state of the State. Just plain weary with it all. I think the next election is going to make or break this country. If the Repubs win again, I'll figure that there is no informed electorate, save for a few pockets of rationality here and there, and we can just write the whole thing off. If the Dems win, it's still not a slam-dunk, but there might be a chance.

Isn't there some other planet out there that we could get to and see if we can do it right this time?

One thing that I'm beginning to find either amusing or disgusting (a little of both, actually) is that when the current administration comes under criticism, the Bush apologists' knee-jerk reaction is to try to drag Clinton back into the discussion.

Hell, that's all they've got!

Don Firth