The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2026083
Posted By: Amos
15-Apr-07 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
What we need is a party like Superma -- interested only in using their powers to supprt Truth, Justice, and what was once called The American Way, back when there at least an imaginary moral code for kids to learn about. Post modernism has turned the American Way into the Barbarian Way, and we are thrashing about trying to find some Civilized Folk to hammer down the gates. But it is a tough row to hoe, no matter whose job it is. Infested with metastasized greed and a kind of ethical scleroderma, making the nation into a flexible, positive-oriented political whole is a daunting proposiiton. Some kind of explosive revival of spiritual earnestness without the luggage imposed by the neo-Con charade is in order, but God only knows where such an impetus could come from.

But you never know -- a new kind of lollipop, a sudden rise to fame of a single op song, a single movie with the right subtext, can swing a nation the way The Wizard of Oz and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" seemed to do back in the 30's. Seventy years seems like an awfully long time, though.
A lot of ruinous politics under the bridge since then....