The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100760   Message #2026501
Posted By: Slag
16-Apr-07 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gun Crime
Subject: RE: BS: Gun Crime
A. Hitler had a great gun control program. Register, confiscate and then shoot anyone who held out! My father knew a German woman whose father dutifully turned in all his guns to Hitler's boys---except for one: a non functioning pistol that his own father had given to him. They found it when they searched his house (no doubt, without a warrant!). They drug him out into the street and shot him to death in front of his family. Just one anecdotal story among thousands of similar anecdotal stories.

Brittan underwent a similar paroxysm of gun hysteria a few years before the outbreak of WWII. When it seemed that German invasion was immanent They called on who? The US! Who helped them and DONATED over a million private weapons for the defense of their homeland? The National Rifle Association of the USA. We remember. I wonder if we will ever be called on again? I wonder what our response will be? If the anti-gunners have their way, we wouldn't be able to respond. Chairman Mao stated (in his "Little Red Book") that " all political power flows from the barrel of a gun." That man knew what he was talking about.

I know a lot of you folk have personal reasons and convictions for not wanting to own weapons and I respect that but if you ever need a righteous and armed person to tip the balance of a bad situation to your favor don't deny me my right to keep and bare arms!

And, as already stated, a pox to those who would abuse said right in order to commit crimes. A double punishment to those who commit crimes with a gun or a blade.