The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100832   Message #2027263
Posted By: Geordie-Peorgie
16-Apr-07 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: Members Versus Guests and Noms de Plume
Subject: RE: Members Versus Guests and Non de Plumes
Just like Azizi, aah was scared te put me five penn'orth in and aah had nee clue aboot the Digitrad

However, Sandra, if there's summat ye aren't sure about, aall ye hev te dee is ask (like what aah did) and these lovely people will flock te help.

Occasionally they will pick you up on your punctuation, spellin', facts and aall sorts of other things, but it aall helps.

Eventually, like me, you might veven attend a 'gather' just to put names to faces - THEN you'll find oot warra lovely bunch of people ye've got yoursel' mixed up with.

Gan on, Pet! Ye knaah ye want te join us, really