The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100858   Message #2027966
Posted By: Shaneo
17-Apr-07 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should we pay for email ?
Subject: BS: Should we pay for email ?
With over %90 of computer virus coming from email junk is it time that we started to pay to send email.
I'm sure this could work , lets say one cent per email sent.
Slammers send millions a day , so would the fact that you pay get rid of the spammers.
When you receive mail from the post man or a text message you have no fear of opening it [unless it's a bill]
When you receive email it has the potential of damaging your computer.
I don't know the logistics of setting up such a practise of paying to send email , but lets say you could buy a few hundred at a time with a credit card.
Or get credits in a shop-pay as you send-