The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100831   Message #2028176
Posted By: beardedbruce
17-Apr-07 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead?
Subject: RE: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead?
"Give me a thousand in cash--coin of the realm--and I could go into any large city in North America and acquire a handgun or rifle within 12 hours. The legalityillegality of guns is a farce."

1. I agree with you. So why shgould more ineffective laws be of any use, except to disarm the law-abiding citizen?

2. Name a single country that the statement would NOT be true. Those with more restrictive laws like Russia, England, and others still have gun violence.

3. Look at the countries with a requirement for fully automatic weapons in the home ( Israel, Switerland). Is there more or less crime there than in the restricted nation, like Russia?