The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100863   Message #2028371
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Apr-07 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why should anyone believe in 'God'?
Subject: RE: BS: Why should anyone believe in 'God'?
I guess it all depends on what you think they mean when they say the word "God", Ed...

But everyone's free to believe whatever they have faith in, whether it be a deity, an ideal, "luck", "instinct", intuition, a philosophy, a political theory, a scientific hypothesis (that is not yet proven), a set of social customs, or any of the other complex stuff we humans have made up over the last few thousands years in order to give our lives a sense of structure and purpose.

Some people hate other people's choices of belief for some reason, and they just can't leave them alone about it. That can be troublesome...regardless of which side of the issue you happen to be on.

I have no particular motivation to try to convince you "why you should trust some being that isn't easily explainable by the normal laws of physics as we currently understand them". For that, I suggest you look up a Jehovah's Witness, a Baptist, a Mormon, a Muslim, a Catholic or somebody else like that who thinks their duty is to convert you or "save" you. ;-) I don't feel I'm under any   obligation to do that.