The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100874   Message #2028615
Posted By: gnomad
18-Apr-07 - 03:39 AM
Thread Name: Saying gidday and a question if I may
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
Welcome, Shane, from the UK.

I hope you enjoy your time here, and find it helpful as much as I have myself. It sounds as if the finger thing is past healing, so I just wish you well in your efforts to overcome the injury.

As regards your parodies; well attitudes to parodies here are a mixture [as they are to almost anything] some like them, some do not. You can be sure that the better they are the more people will like them, but equally sure that some folks will never be won over. Don't let that put you off.

I gather that some of your lyrics might be viewed as offensive, well obscenity will put some backs up, depends partly on degree, quantity, and how witty [or otherwise] the song is overall. If you have a real penchant for getting beaten-up on line then posting something openly racist or homophobic would probably do the trick, it would also indicate you had found the wrong forum. For a sample of what is around on the rudeness theme try typing @bawdy into the forum search box [pale blue] above, this will tale you to LOTS of links to earlier discussions.

G'day to you too.