The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100875   Message #2028801
Posted By: frogprince
18-Apr-07 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: Gun Ownership - are you really safe?
Subject: RE: Gun Ownership - are you really safe?
The guns the young man in Virginia used had the serial numbers filed off; that means that, in this one instance, any specific laws about legal gun ownership are beside the point. The question is, rather, whether we can do anything about the fact that the society is so flooded with unnecessary guns that, 1. A criminal can steal one, or buy a previously stolen one, or a previously legally purchased one, at the drop of a hat. 2. A decent citizen who becomes mentally ill, loses his head in anger, or panics at falsely perceived danger, can immediately grab one. 3. It's an everyday occurence for a little child to get hold of a gun for a plaything.