The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100858   Message #2028827
Posted By: Rapparee
18-Apr-07 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should we pay for email ?
Subject: RE: BS: Should we pay for email ?
Well, it's a big challenge in MY life. I worry that that the people who sent those emails I so callously delete aren't really poor people, just barely hanging on and my failure to buy from them will cause them to despair and that with all their last hopes dashed by me their poor, broken bodies will be found floating face-down in the cold, muddy waters of the Thames and their children will end up standing outside the pub, hollow-eyed and gaunt from hunger, begging for a farthing or a groat, while rich bloated plutocrats kick them aside into the drifting snow. All because I deleted the email offering me a lottery ticket to enhance my manhood and stop the erectile dysfunction I don't have by refinancing my mortgage that could have saved them from A Fate Worse Than Death.