The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100875   Message #2029325
Posted By: Rapparee
18-Apr-07 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: Gun Ownership - are you really safe?
Subject: RE: Gun Ownership - are you really safe?
Let me, as a gun owner, shooter, and someone with a concealed carry permit, give my own answer to the question asked in the thread title.

No, I am not.

But then, I recognize that I am not safe anywhere and neither are you. If you feel that you are safe and secure you are deluding yourself.

But guns are not, and never have been, defensive weapons. Neither is a bow and arrows, a sling, a crossbow, a javelin, or any other projectile or projectile-throwing weapon. You cannot defend yourself with a projectile, you can only defend yourself from a projectile. That's why cops and soldiers wear bullet proof vests ("ballistic armor").

You CAN defend yourself with a stick, a staff, a sword, a shield, a targe, your hands and feet, and even a whip.

But even then, you're not "safe."