The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3684   Message #20294
Posted By: chet w
30-Jan-98 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: what if...?
Subject: RE: what if...?
I think everyone should do, play, and sing whatever makes them happy. I also think they should revere whatever makes them comfortable to revere. The part that bothers me is when somebody wants to make rules, somebody wants to argue about definitions, and, worst of all, look down on people who don't meet their standards of purity. What a sham this is! Charlie Poole is still held in reverence, isn't he? What if somebody told him he should not incorporate swing into his music. Our musical heritage would be much poorer if he had heeded such advice. I think old-time versions of punk tunes sounds like good fun. Have fun, for God's sake. If you're a scholar, cataloging fiddle tunes like some of my friends ended up, do it, it's important. But don't think your ideas are better than others' because they are more pure or authentic. You've caught me on a bad day, but I have to say, what crap! I think this is Cuban folk music: Ry Cooder just produced and played on an album of old Cuban guys. The album is called "The Buena Vista Social Club".I'm digging it even as I write.

Good luck, and let live, Chet W.