The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100875 Message #2030540
Posted By: Bobert
19-Apr-07 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: Gun Ownership - are you really safe?
Subject: RE: Gun Ownership - are you really safe?
Well, gol danged...
Apparently I'm part of a militia 'cause I own a gun??? Didn't get membership card in the mail 'er any training and for the life of me I'm not too sure if the Ruskies were to ivade Page County, Va., where I was 'spose to be with my 12 guage or my over under 410/22...
But I reckon I'm in malitia 'cause I own a couple guns???
Wonder what malitia the folks in DC who ride tghe streets at night killing one another are in???
Yo, Mick... I loves ya brother but waht malitia are you in???
Might of fact, fir all my Mudcat friends: What malitia are you in??? Do you have regular training??? Patches on yer sleeves??? Membership cards???
Just curious...
Now this is one dumbass argument we have going here... I think it would take a brain dead person to misconstrure the Second Amendment... Heck, if the Founding Fathers wanted everyone to pack heat just for general purposes then why did they word it in the same sentence with the right to have a malitia???
And, fir cripes sake, how many of the Founding Fathers could have envisioned the menu of arms available to folks some 250 years later???
Hey, I don't have no problem with everyone in the country owning a rifle just like the Founding Fathers prolly did but handguns in the Founmding Fathers days were for an occasional duel and not something to stick in yer glove compartment incase someone pisses you off on the highway...
I mean, lets get reasonable here, folks... Yeah, I like and need havin' my guns but I, nor you, don't need no handgun...
And BillD is entirely correct... When I was growin' up in Falls Church, Va. there was a gun nut who accidently killed himself with a gun so it ***can*** happen... But that's not part of my argument... Just back-up testimony...