The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62524   Message #2030579
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
19-Apr-07 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Ten Thousand Miles Away
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Ten Thousand Miles Away
J. B. Geoghagan receives little mention in current references.

"John Barleycorn is a Hero Bold" is in the DT as John Barleycorn (2); uncredited.
Also see posts by Malcolm Douglas in thread 19412: John Barleycorn
Lyrics and Knowledge Search for Geoghagan yields no results.

The "Canadian Journal for Traditional Music" (1984) lists Geoghagan as an author of a song found in Canada about coal-mining; it also lists the song title; but no comments at either entry (This was the sole entry found for J. B. Geoghagan in 'Google').

The song does not appear in Mudcat, but a reference to a Bodleian Broadside is given by Malcolm in thread 68593: Down in the Coal Mine
The same post by Malcolm mentions that Geoghagan did a remake of "John Barleycorn."

Geoghagan is mentioned in Michael Kilgarriff, "Sing Us One of the Old Songs," as composer of five songs, but the songs John Barleycorn, Down in a Mine, and Ten Thousand Miles, are not mentioned. None of his songs or routines is mentioned in the section "Artistes' Repertoires."