The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100874   Message #2030766
Posted By: GUEST,Rowan
20-Apr-07 - 03:02 AM
Thread Name: Saying gidday and a question if I may
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may
And it used to be that, if you said you were "on a good screw", any Australian would know you were getting a good wage. Americans understood the phrase quite differently and many Australians, these days, would interpret it the American way.

As one who uses many "ockerisms" in my routine speech (as well as bung on others for special effect I suspect I've a fair idea of where you're coming from.

Just chuck your swag in the corner and enjoy it all.

Cheers, Rowan
\Thread #100874   Message #2030782
Posted By: Rowan MoonOtter
20-Apr-07 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: Saying gidday and a question if I may
Subject: RE: Saying gidday and a question if I may

That was all a bit odd. I lose my cookie, resubscribe, find I'm renamed as someone else but theres a preNational message from Bob Bolton about Mudcat badges on it (that I never received; surprise, surprise) try to contact Joe Offer and then find I've returned under my proper name.

Must be gremlins in the machine. And they were probably sent on their way by an alert Mudelf; many thanks.

Anyway, "Welcome" Shane,

Cheers, Rowan