The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2031504
Posted By: Jim Dixon
20-Apr-07 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
I once had a cat whose favorite toy was any used tampon applicator. She would fish them out of the wastebasket in the bathroom, and bat them around on the floor, or carry them to any part of the house. Liked the smell, I guess. It was a bit embarrassing to have a guest find one in an odd place. We eventually solved the problem by getting a wastebasket with a lid.

Another cat loved the smell of my armpit. He would shove his nose right up there and nuzzle and purr. If I didn't watch him, he would start chewing on the cloth of my t-shirt or whatever I was wearing. Occasionally he would find a dirty t-shirt of mine and chew or suck on it. I don't think he ever did any damage to the fabric, but I would find it moist from his saliva. Only one spot interested him: the armpit. OK, two spots.

One of our current cats loves rubber bands. He will play with them, and eventually chew them up and swallow them, and puke them up again. We try to keep rubber bands away from him.

The other cat likes twist-ties. (Does everyone call them by the same name? I mean those little plastic- or paper-covered bits of wire that are used to seal bread bags, etc.) He doesn't eat them, but I have frequently found them in the cats' food dish, especially when the food dish is otherwise empty. It's a bit hard to follow a cat's logic: Cats like to play with their food especially if it's alive. This can also likes to play with twist-ties even though they're not alive and you can't eat them. Therefore a twist-tie is, symbolically, food, and belongs in the food dish? Or maybe putting a twist-tie in the food dish is a magic charm that makes food appear later?