The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2032042
Posted By: Becca72
21-Apr-07 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
Mara Jade, no longer with us, loved to play with coins. She could hear a penny hit the floor from anywhere in the apartment and would come running. I often found them in my shoes (maybe a cat invented penny loafers).

Madmardigan, 9, loves his momma. He is my shadow and is always where ever I am. He also likes tortilla chips and will steal them directly from the bag if you don't keep an eye out.

Mikey, 1, loves playing with hard, round poop. His own, usually...he will bat it around the bathroom floor for hours. He is also very affectionate and will launch himself at me when he feels it's time to be held, no matter what I'm doing. I either catch him or lose a layer or 2 of skin.

Sheldon, 1, loves anything with a string on it. He will chew through the string to "liberate" whatever toy is being held captive. I bought them a toy hamster that "runs" across the floor when you pull the string. I caught Sheldon sitting on the hamster and pulling the string with his teeth (all the while the hamster is vibrating under his butt) trying to chew through it before it could retract all the way.

All 3 of my cats love the laser pointer. That is hours of entertainment for everyone in the house.

The 2 younger ones also love to play in water and we have a game of rubber ducks floating in a full kitchen sink that keeps them pretty busy.