The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100831   Message #2032708
Posted By: GUEST,gun owner
22-Apr-07 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead?
Subject: RE: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead?
Dianavan, I'll look for stories about Cho and Prozac. The government has put a muzzle on many aspects of this story. The man's family is involved with the government in numerous ways. I read that one of his parents works as a "contractor for Condoleeza Rice," whatever that means. I did read one definitive statement that he was taking Prozac, though. The biggest problem with those SSRI drugs is in the detox phase. Takes weeks, so if you've been taking them for a while or in large dosages and then quit cold turkey, you become psychotic.

And the school-drugging system is designed to fail. These shootings are a desirable to the people in charge. When one of these incidents happens, the people in charge get more control. There is no incentive to stop these events. There is no incentive to take people off the mind-altering, murdering drugs. They lead to more power being shoveled into the hands of the people who want power over you. The monsters who make the drugs and then lobby for them to be forced on schoolkids, and the monsters who pass the legislation to make the drugging possible, those people need to be removed from any proximity of power.

As for your child being protected, life if full of risks. If s/he is in danger at school, then homeschool. What can I say? You can't protect those you love from all evil all the time. And power attracts the kind of people who shouldn't have it, so the answer is not in giving away your right to make choices to powermad psychopaths. They don't care about your kid. They just want more control. And limiting the rights of others in a severe way isn't the answer, because those same restrictions can be applied to you. I think removing SSRI drugs from the market and getting the military-developed video games off the market would be a good place to start in returning society to normal. The military has no right to peddle that garbage, though the ACLU will take up the case to make sure the things remain on the market. The games are brainwashing tools and should be regulated as tightly as radioative waste. Same with SSRIs. But every time one of the drugged-up video freaks shoots up a place, the media directs your attention to the guns involved, not the drugs and video games. Though the video game angle does seem to be getting some coverage in the Cho case. Maybe talking in meetings at your kid's school about the games and drugs would help alert others to the problem and make your corner of the world more safe. Even if all guns were "banned" tomorrow, the shootings would never stop. Heroin's banned, cocaine's banned, but does it do any good? Good luck.

One last comment here on firearms--if the UK police go about unarmed, why did 4 of them execute a young man on the subway a while back? 4 taps to the skull with handguns, each one took a turn, from what I read. Strollin' Johnny tries to present a picture of the bobbie with his stick and nothing more in jolly old England, but they have cops executing citizens on the tube.

As for the War of 1812, it was indeed a long series of miscalculations. I'm glad it ended the way it did, with Canada intact and the U.S. intact and the Brits sent back home.