The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19790   Message #203321
Posted By: Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive)
29-Mar-00 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Be Kind te me Dowter
Subject: Be Kind te me Dowter
Be Kind te me Dowter
Tune: Die an Auld Maid

One neet Jack Thomsin sat beside
His canny sweetheart's fethur,
We'll hev a crack! the aud man said,
Since here we've met tegither,
Ya've gyen wi' Mary two eers noo,
An' what aw'm gan te menshun
Is--aw hope that you've gawn wiv her
Wi' myest hon'rible intenshun

For oh Johnny a canny lass is she
An' aw hope ye'll be kind to me dowter.

She may be kind o' flighty, that's
A fault wi' a yung lasses;
She may be kind o' tawky on
Myest ivrything that passes;
But if she wes ony uther way
She waddent be a wummin,
An' gox! she's like her muther, an
Her muther is a rum un!

But oh, Johnny etc.

Aw hope she'll be as happy as
Her muther's been wi' me lad.
Tho' sumtimes we fall oot a bit
We varry seun agree lad;
For te leeve as jolly as can be
Byeth her an me's detarmin'd
An when we hev a row or two,
We nivvor see ne harm in't!

But oh Johnny etc...

Ye'll treat wor Mary weel me lad,
An always be kind tiv her
Ye'lll nivvor rue your bargin, no!
Aw's sartin that ye'll nivvor.
She can de the hoose turns clivvor,
Just as clivvor as her muther,
An for sewin, knitten, darnin, whey!
Thor issent such anuther!

Then oh Johnny etc...

We'll help ye ivery way we can
Te set the hoose up decent,
The fethur-bed an 'ite-day clock
'Ill not be a bad prisint;
An' when ye've bairns we'll help ye tee,
At borth, or deeth or krisnin,
But noo aw'd better haud me tung,
For fear somebody's lissinin!

But oh Johnny etc...