The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100831   Message #2033899
Posted By: GUEST,gun owner
23-Apr-07 - 08:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead?
Subject: RE: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead?
Stalin, Hitler and Mao solved the problem of citizens doing harm with firearms. They outlawed guns. Of course, what followed wasn't too pretty. Disarmament is the first step toward genocide.

Yes, Janie, the indicators were undoubtedly there, and "the system" failed and all that, but don't worry because the federal government will come to our rescue. Mandatory mental health screening of all Americans, forced drugging, prison-style school facilities and all that. You sound like an expert in this field, so please tell me why the American Psychiatric Association recently expanded it's list of "disorders" so enormously. To the casual observer it seems the move was made in order to cast a wider net over kids now being "screened" under the New Freedom Iniative. That was the law written by the drug lobby representing manufacturers of SSRI and SNRI drugs. A list of "disorders" is at the link below, folks. Poke around the links there and evaluate yourself honestly, see if you don't qualify for drugging under one of the categories:

Off the bat I'd say all of America needs to be drugged for getting hysterical over a school shooting after we've let our govt kill 1000000 Iraqi civilians over the past 3 years. Isn't that a tad dissociative?

SSRI drugs kill. It's proven. But rather than pull them from the market they're now going to force American adults onto them. The beta test has been done in the schools, and now it's time to move on to the next step. Dennis Kucinich and others will be introducing happy-sounding names to push this poison on us. Such animals need to be removed from office.