The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19778   Message #203411
Posted By: wysiwyg
29-Mar-00 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day - Mar 29
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day - Mar 29
I don't see how it's possible to call anything Thread Creep when it's posted on the TftD thread.... I dunno.

Hardiman uses silence often in conducting worship, most effectively just after the sermon and before the people recite the Nicean Creed. Many a visitng bishop has found this quite odd and then... realized its effectiveness.

I use it often also, but not always, in leading praise music for our Saturday night service... "Use" is not the best term... Allow? Facilitate? Lead? Employ? All of these and more. I usually trail into it with a few very slowed chords as a sung syllable fades away... and as these sounds are echoing and vibrating and dwindling throughout the wonderful acoustics of our old stone church, the singers all pause... regather... hold the pause... and then as one, take up the next phrase. Oh my. When that happens (and it can't be planned) it's WONDERFUL...

Sometimes there will be a moment between songs like that at the nursing homes too, or when we go out to play at others' services, with any kind of material that has gotten to the people deeply.

I think that for us, as the songleaders, it's up to us to feel this effect happening with people and not rush past it.

I never thought about it quite like that before, although Hardiman and I have discussed it in the context of formal worship... It's been more an instinctive response to the moment. But what a nice opportunity to think about it more intentionally! Thank you, Peter T.!