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Thread #92714   Message #2034481
Posted By: Amos
24-Apr-07 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
Subject: RE: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
Devy Kidd is an interesting writer; she is full of scorn for Democrats and Republicans, Clinton, Bushians, and others.

An excerpt from her recent essay on impeachment:

"The Internet is awash with columns, articles and blogs on impeaching Bush and Cheney. I would respectfully submit that one of the most cohesive, articulate and legally on point is by Elizabeth De la Vega, a former federal prosecutor. Ms. De la Vega did what I did in McVeigh's Second Trial: She writes the case against Bush and Cheney in the form of an indictment and allows the American people to be the grand jury. Impeachment is dead serious and should not be undertaken without careful consideration, but it cannot be ignored because of party loyalty or denial. Ms. De la Vega is not some bug eyed "Bush hater." This woman, like millions of us, know the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan are based on lies and this cannot stand for our magnificent republic. I encourage you to set aside some time to read her work:

1, Elizabeth de la Vega, Indicting Bush
2, United States v. George W. Bush et al

"Be careful what you wish for" is very appropriate here because if Bush and Cheney were to be impeached, the next in line for the presidency is another Marxist (political ideology is communism), Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Just the thought of this female becoming the president of these united States of America is so repulsive, so sickening, I simply run out of words. Should Bush be impeached? I believe it is the only choice because no one is above the law. Should Cheney be impeached? Yes, and I believe he would be criminally charged in the 911 mass slaughter if a real, impartial grand jury with some brains were able to do a thorough investigation of that day and that means subpoenas. Will either Bush or Cheney be impeached or will the real rulers of Washington, DC and our lives, allow them to stay in office and go through another pretend election in November 2008? Only time will tell.

Everyday Bush and Cheney remain in office, more of our precious military are being slaughtered in this unholy invasion/empire building exercise in the Middle East and other places around the world where we should not be. Bush should be charged with crimes against humanity for not stopping the use of depleted uranium against the people of Afghanistan, Iraq and our own soldiers. Pelosi has already shown to her constituency that she serves her money masters and is incapable of any leadership, foreign or domestic. Every American must make up their own mind as to whether or not Bush and Cheney should be impeached based on the facts and evidence.

The pain America will experience in the next few years is going to be excruciating. I wish it were going to be different, but because of America's indifference and blind loyalty to the Democrat and Republican parties, forsaking truth and accountability, the situation has escalated to a dangerous level; the road ahead is going to be difficult and challenging. However, I believe that the millions of us who know the truth will stay the course and continue to fight to stop the destruction of this republic no matter how impossible the odds. We have no choice. "

While I am fairly certain Pelosi is no Communist, I admire the fervor and cutting clarity of Devvy Kidd's article, which can be found here.