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Thread #100330   Message #2034890
Posted By: Little Hawk
24-Apr-07 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: New things about atheism
Subject: RE: BS: New things about atheism
"the first few chapters deal with the evolution of the human mind... and I would not discuss non-evidence."

Please explain that. Look, if you are not willing to even discuss someone else's chosen beliefs or interests, why expect them to be willing to discuss yours? Respect has to go in both directions, Mrrzy, meaning this: They don't get to determine your agenda. Neither do you get to determine theirs. One might best be willing to discuss everything if one is going to discuss at all.

Positive aspects are absolutely a matter of are negative aspects. It's which ones you choose to base your faith on that is the vital matter. Hardcore Nazis (who were following a very mystical political religion with a holy book..."Mein Kampf") had FAITH that they were doing the right thing to beat up, arrest, and kill Jews. That belief was a belief in the rightness of deeply negative behaviour. Mother Teresa, who brought help to thousands and thousands of poor people, had faith in what she was doing too...and she was using more positive aspects.

My way of "coming out" has been that, whenever anybody mentions their religion, to mention my lack of it and then continue the conversation so the poor pole-axed shocked other person has some time to rrecover (and yes, there is a very strong reaction). For instance, when asked "can we get our kids together after church?" I might answer "We are atheists so anytime Sunday is fine with us. Would your kids like to stay to dinner, or should they be home earlier?"

Why? Why do you deliberately seek to confront people by emphasizing differences? When someone mentions their religion to me (whatever the heck their religion is) I don't inform that I am NOT of their if it mattered. I ask them some questions about it. I am curious to know what their ideas are. In this way I find out some more interesting stuff about humanity. I may mention some of my own ideas too, if they show any interest. If not, I let them be. If someone says to you "Can we get our kids together after church?", the sensible thing to do is say something like "Sure. That would be nice." THEIR kids are available after church, okay? If yours are available at that time of day also, and your kids get along with their kids...then WHAT is the problem???

You don't have to use every occasion to alert other people to the fact that "I'm not LIKE you." (with the strong implication in your statement that says "And boy, am I glad that I'm not like you..."

People don't like it when other people do that. It's not polite. Neither is it wise.

You don't have to pretend you are a churchgoer and compromise yourself in any way. You don't have to pointedly say you're not either, every time the opportunity arises, and to do so is to be unnecessarily confrontational. It's basically nobody's business whether you are religious or you aren't...and you don't have to tell them. Why should you tell them? You're not under some kind of obligation to.

I think that you are having trouble with religious folks mainly because your own defensive behaviour is setting you up for trouble with them. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Regarding the word "faith". I define "religious faith" the way you define "faith". Religious faith is simply one among many types of faith. Does your dog have faith in you? I bet he does. ;-) (assuming you have a dog...) Do your kids have faith in you? I bet they do.