The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100330   Message #2034914
Posted By: Little Hawk
24-Apr-07 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: New things about atheism
Subject: RE: BS: New things about atheism
Say....I just had a GREAT idea, Mrrzy! Since it is clearly quite important for you to let all other people know where you stand, and that you don't believe what they believe, why not do this: Get one of those sandwich boards for advertising and wear it whenever you go out of the house. Have on one side in big letters: "I AM AN ATHEIST - AND PROUD OF IT"   Have on the other side: "THERE IS NO GOD" Walk around town. Let them ALL know.

This will really help you make it totally clear to everyone in your community exactly where you stand. ;-) It will be a blow in defence of truth, logic, and rationality. It may succeed in converting some of the poor deluded souls who are presently mired in religious idiocy to the real truth of life. Maybe you can even get a film crew to make a documentary about it and help raise more sympathy and support for atheism nationwide.

Go to it, girl! You may achieve fame. You may achieve martyrdom. Either way, at least you will be remembered, and that's more than a lot of people can say.

(Heh! You could do it in Canada, no problem, and people would just look at you kind of weird...and probably keep a little distance away in case you were dangerous. Unless it was dowtown Toronto. People there are too busy to even care or notice, and they've already seen everything anyway. You do it where you live....hmmmm...that would be interesting. I'd love to do a film about it.)