The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102037   Message #2035091
Posted By: GUEST,Tom Bliss
25-Apr-07 - 03:40 AM
Thread Name: Forum for club organisers
Subject: RE: New eList forum for club organisers
Yes good point about the spam - thanks. I wasn't thinking, as my email's all over the web anyway.

When you send off your blank email, it comes to us for approval. We know most club organiser's addresses already so we click them through, or if we don't we might write to ask who you are (if you've not said in the 'blank' mail) before approving. This is to keep out spammers and anyone who's not really involved at all.

Once you're a member, you log into the Yahoo Groups site and choose whether to recieve group messages as normal emails, or just as an email digest, or to have no emails and merely look at and post messages on the Yahoo site.

By bad luck Yahoo had a glitch in the first few days so some people couldn't get into the site properly, but it's working now and there's merry chat happening.