The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100330   Message #2035569
Posted By: Bee
25-Apr-07 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: New things about atheism
Subject: RE: BS: New things about atheism
This is off topic, but both Mrrzy and Little Hawk have said they think Black History Month is a racist idea. I can, just, see how it can be construed that way, but I'd like to toss in my experience, in Nova Scotia, with BHM.

I worked nearly thirty years with children, more than half of them Black, many from inter racial families. Black people in Nova Scotia have had a long tough history, with some very notable bright spots in terms of remarkable individuals and remarkable communities. Children watch a lot of television, and what they see in terms of famous Black people tends to be sports heros, rap artists, and a few movie stars. That's a limited array of role models, and it is a fact that children tend to admire famous people who look like them, or to whom they can relate in some obvious manner. Children are also accustomed to schools presenting information in time limited 'themes' (you can argue this is wrong, but this is what children get right now), so a 'theme' around the history of Black people doesn't seem awkward to them, and as one white kid matter of factly remarked "every month is white history month, we're always learning stuff about the ancient(sic) white people".

I have seen kids get really enthusiastic about Black History Month, and seen them learn a lot about Black Nova Scotians who were opera stars, doctors, war heros, politicians, womens' rights workers, seamen, engineers, inventors, civil servants, and more. I've seen them amazed that their history in this province is traceable way back, that people who lived here 200 years ago and were real pioneers, have the same last names as they do. I've listened to them talk about what they might like to do when they grow up, and for sure, having a little buzz every year about Black history seems to me to have the effect of broadening their horizons as well as increasing everybody's knowledge.