The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101093   Message #2035654
Posted By: Amos
25-Apr-07 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Forgive Judas?
Subject: RE: BS: Forgive Judas?
One advantage of being endotheistic (recognizing theproduction of God from within) is that you can't turn grace into license,because responsibility is strongly coupled with any divinity existing in the first place.

I just made up the terms endo- and exo-theistic today, modeled on biologists who talk about animals which are endothermic (they generate heat from within their bodies to adjust to the environment) and others which are exothermic (they have to find sources of heat from outside). Sometimes they say "ectothermic" which means the same thing, as far as I can find out.

I like 'em.