The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100831   Message #2035817
Posted By: Big Mick
25-Apr-07 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead?
Subject: RE: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead?
Actually, dianavan, I was refraining from namecalling. But since you started it, let me just say that you are the fool, as usual. You use amateurish attempts to make your point such as,If it takes restricting my right to own a gun to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and/or the mentally unstable then so be it, and then act as if you have scored a point. But, once again, you simply use a gratuitous comment with no basis in fact. Perhaps you don't understand real debate, or what gratuitous assertions are. If you would like a basic primer, use Google. I will ask this again, and I will type slow. What exactly is the problem you think you will solve by taking the legally owned and used weapons from those that use them responsibly? If you come up with something, could you back it up with some data? What exactly is the problem you seek to resolve?

Now I expect you will come back with some off the wall comment again, act like anyone that has a different view must be a gun toting lunatic.
