The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2036124
Posted By: catspaw49
26-Apr-07 - 06:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
Luff was a red colorpoint oriental (read: red point siamese) who took to Karen immediately and I became chopped liver when she and I first met. During the remainder of his life he was totally devoted to her. When Karen went to bed she had to lay on her left side or he would howl until she did. He'd go under the covers, turn around and come back up and lay on her arm facing her and purr with one of the loudest purrs I've ever heard.   This is how Karen went to sleep EVERY night for 5 years.   He died young from FeLeuk which he acquired as a kitten. Everyone told us he wouldn't live very long but everytime he sneezed we went to the vet and he did well till the last 2 weeks and then he went fast. Completely unique in so many ways and now almost 20 years later both Karen and I cry at the very thought of him.

I have had a lot of wonderful and very devoted dogs but Sissy may be the biggest "Daddy's Girl" I have ever had. I could write a book............Currently she has become the biggest Fritter Hound extant. Actually she's a Weimaraner but she goes on the weekly shopping trips and the first stop has to be Tim Horton's where Karen and I get coffee and Big Sis has an Apple fritter. This could account for her loss of a young and girlish figure as she's now just shy of 90 pounds! She has to back out from between the van seats as she can no longer turn around! I have GOT to put her on a diet but she's really going to miss those fritters.
