The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2036157
Posted By: GUEST,Dog Trainer
26-Apr-07 - 07:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
"Hardi has now chastised him twice by remote-- aiming his small battery-operated amp at the window that overlooks the dog yard. If F doesn't come when called and cued, he gets a round of BAD DOG, and he jumps up onto the dog porch and comes right in! And is of course rewarded and praised."

Praise after chastisment is confusing to humans, let alone a dog. If he won't come until you add force (Yelling in a negative way = force), there should be no praise. Praise comes for doing something they should have done.

If you are speaking of a pup the idea is to SHOW the dog what to do (without the fear factor) and then praise him. For example: Teaching a dog to shake hands. Say "SHAKE." Take the pup's paw and pump several times and excited praise the dog and offer a small reward. Repeat until dog has it.

Your example would look like this: Say, "SHAKE." Show the dog. Say, "SHAKE." Yell loudly at the dog (causing fear) for not following command unti lhe does as you wish. Reward.

This makes no sense. There is no need to use fear as a way in training a dog.