The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2036260
Posted By: Amos
26-Apr-07 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Two letters from citizens:

To the Editor:

The president accuses Democrats of making military decisions that should be left to the generals, but isn't that what he and his team have done since the war planning started and a large reason we're in the mess we're in now?

And why should anyone listen to the president or his supporters? They've had more than four years to resolve the situation and have done nothing but botched it, with no end in sight.

Calvin Hilton
Jacksonville, Fla., April 25, 2007

To the Editor:

Given the low regard in which President Bush has historically held bills passed by Congress with his signing statements, I am mystified by his sudden desire to start respecting the legislative process.

If he disagrees with only the timetable part of the bill, why does he suddenly hesitate to single out this provision with a signing statement, as he has with every other legislative provision that has not been to his liking?

The president's sudden appreciation for process strikes me as both cynical and ineffective in the face of public opinion.

Elizabeth Statmore
San Francisco, April 25, 2007