The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2036365
Posted By: Dickey
26-Apr-07 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Vermont House votes no on impeachment

April 26, 2007 By Daniel Barlow Vermont Press Bureau

MONTPELIER – The Vermont House rejected a resolution calling for President Bush and Vice President Cheney's impeachment in an 87-60 vote Wednesday, a move that puts that chamber at odds with the Senate's actions last week.

House lawmakers supporting the resolution were almost entirely Democrats and Progressives, although 41 Democrats broke ranks on the hotly partisan issue and joined the Republicans in opposing the symbolic impeachment resolution.

"One of the lessons we learned from the Clinton impeachment is that it should not be treated lightly," said Rep. Thomas Koch, R-Barre Town. "It ought to be reserved for the most egregious, most urgent high crimes and misdemeanors. It should not be about whether or not you support the president or the war."

Rep. David Zuckerman, P-Burlington, a strong impeachment supporter in the House, said Wednesday's vote was a statement that Vermonters are disappointed with the Bush administration...."