The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19806 Message #203750
Posted By: Barbara
30-Mar-00 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Into the Air, Junior Birdmen
Subject: RE: Junior birdman
Up in the air, Junior Birdmen, (with goggles as per Peter) Up in the air, up side down (demonstrate with loop de loop) Up in the air, Junior Birdmen, (as before) Keep your noses to the ground,(echo) noses to the ground When you hear the postman ringing (stick index finger out) Put on your wings of tin (spread arms wide) And tell all the Junior Birdmen To send their box tops i-i-in! (demonstrate tearing off and sending in) That's all I ever learned. Of course if you don't like reinventing the wheel, you can always just go here in the database. Blessings, Barbara