The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101181   Message #2038152
Posted By: mg
28-Apr-07 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ham Sandwich Debacle
Subject: RE: BS: Ham Sandwich Debacle
no suspension, no police but a whole lot of sensitivity training, preferably on a Saturday, for the student, the ones egging him or her on, parental involvement and informing the whole student body that things like this will not be tolerated. 14 is probably the age of maximum stupidity in a student and the Somali students should be assured that steps will be taken so this does not happen again and their safety is the chief concern of teh school. What a crock...I have worked in many schools where safety was dead last on the to do list.

I remember when the Cambodian children came to Seattle schools...they were psychologically tortured by other students, who did not realize how bad they were being...they were doing their normal routines of "I'm going to kill you" and other threats they make to each other (or did..I think there hopefully is less than that now.) When the Cambodian children would hear this, having just come from a land where if someone said that they meant it, they were just terrified.

My sister in law and I were driving in Seattle and one day and found a child lying in the street. We assumed he had been hit by a car, had a seizure or had been bullyed so badly on the way home he just lay down in the street and I guess couldn't move...

Anyway, it goes back to bullying and students must be stopped and must be made to realize what they are doing. mg