The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3873   Message #20386
Posted By: Bruce Olson
01-Feb-98 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Nipperkin and a brown bowl (Barley Mow)
Subject: RE: Nipperkin and a brown bowl
Thats an old song. You can see a pretty old version among the texts from R. Bell's and 'Poems, Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry' (1857). I don't have the link memorized. Go to
and there you can click onto a copy of the book.

The Barley-Mow Song

[This song is sung at country meetings in Devon and Cornwall, particularly on completing the carrying of the barley, when the rick, or mow of barley, is finished. On putting up the last sheaf, which is called the craw (or crow) sheaf, the man who has it cries out 'I have it, I have it, I have it;' another demands, 'What have'ee, what have'ee, what have'ee?' and the answer is, 'A craw! a craw! a craw!' upon which there is some cheering, &c., and a supper afterwards. The effect of the Barley-Mow Song cannot be given in words; it should be heard, to be appreciated properly, - particularly with the West-country dialect.]

[The above verses are very much ad libitum, but always in the third line repeating the whole of the previously-named measures; as we have shown in the recapitulation at the close of the last verse.]

The Barley-Mow Song (Suffolk Version)

[The peasantry of Suffolk sing the following version of the Barley-Mow Song.]