The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64921   Message #2039540
Posted By: bubblyrat
30-Apr-07 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Dirty limericks [12]
Subject: RE: BS: Dirty limericks
I used to know loads, but I have forgotten them. So I have written some ! Here"s two to start off ----( I was in the Navy for some years, and it may seem obvious !! )

      A gay ,Belfast sailor called Sid,
       Tried to bugger himself with a fid :
      He smeared it with lard,
      And sat down on it hard,
      But it split him in half ( so it did ).

       There was a young sailor called Tim,
       Who fancied the cabin-boy ( Jim )----
       After several gropes,
       Tim showed Jim the ropes:
       Now Jim's a REAL sailor, like him !!
          More to follow ( and no, I am not gay --just nautical !! )