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Thread #82028   Message #2041277
Posted By: Amos
02-May-07 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Some letters in response to an article inthe Times called "Bridging the Divide in Wartime":

May 1st,
1:11 pm I don't believe it's fair to compare President Bush with other past presidents. it's almost like comparing a group of champion swimmers with a kid that can slow across the pool alone. President Bush has proven himself completely out of league of past presidents, plunging the presidency into its darkest days ever. Incompetence, cronyism and cynicism have been the gifts this White House has brought the American people. But we have only ourselves to blame. When you elect an inexperienced frat boy to the most important elected office in the world should anyone be surprised that he doesn't know how to communicate and work with others? working with others requires confidence, courage and foresight all characteristics Bush's public record shows as absent.

— Posted by Kamau
9.May 1st,
1:37 pm Bush is not capable of making the thoughtful kinds of decisions Lincoln and FDR had to make. Nor are his true believer companions. As a man of ignorance and hubris, he may never understand the tragedy and suffering he has wrought.

This war is an ideologue's war, a pre-emptive armchair war hatched in the isolated planning rooms of Washington without the tests of reality required to balance fantasy and preconceived notions against the real consequences of real war. And we see the result.

— Posted by James Costello
10.May 1st,
1:42 pm From the outset, it has been a conceptual error to characterize the situation in Iraq as a "war." Unlike Kuwait, 9/11 was not Pearl Harbor redux in which one sovereign nation attacked another and international redress was indicated.

George Bush and his coterie chose to wage aggression in both Afghanistan and Iraq against people rather than other nations. As such, the situation in the Middle East most closely resembles a Crusade rather than a legitimate war, and Bush himself actually put the proper, but politically incorrect, name on it early in the day.

The Bush administration had perpetrated a series of blunders who consequences will plague our nation and the world at least for decades, probably generations, and perhaps centuries.

The fundamental blunder was failure to understand at any level the realities of the Middle East and the Muslim World and from that to grasp the enormity and futility America's intervention there would entail.

Arguably, George Bush has been the wrongest person in the wrongest place at the wrongest time in all of American history and, having foolishly opened Pandora's box, there can be no redemption for him.

— Posted by Tom Billings
11.May 1st,
1:47 pm Bush 43 is making Nikita Khruschev look very good! So far as I am concerned, a Harvard MBA is meaningless since the institution gave one to Bush.

Before his first term, Bush was billed as a "bridge builder." It sounded good at a time when there was significant polarization in the U.S.

Now,we have deeply entrenched and well financed positions on everything from Global Warming, to guns, to Immigration…you name it. Consensus on anything is totally out of the question.

Show me a man who never admits an making a mistake and I will show you a man who makes no intelligent decisions whatsover. The same man will also cast blame for his many failures on others…the perfect narcissist. He is not a decider…he is a derider. He believes that, but portraying a tough guy, he can bluff forever. He sure bluffed the media for 6 years. They were his lapdogs.

History will treat this man brutally, and deservedly so.


— Posted by Ed Boyle
12.May 1st,
2:00 pm The Republicans led by Bush and his neocon friends own this war. No matter how they try to twist history we all know who started the war and who is trying to stop it. The American people clearly spoke in 2006 but Bush did not hear. In 2008 he will hear and any Republican running for office will hear loud and clear. Bush is the best thing for Democrats to get elected that could have possibly been imagined. What we are going to see in 08 is a complete wipeout of any Republican who dares run. Unfortunately we cannot share political power as we once could in this country because we no longer deal with people of honor who keep their
word. When someone tells a lie now we call it, "Bushing it"

— Posted by Jim Denton
13.May 1st,
2:15 pm PLEASE: Just impeach him before he does any further damage. He doesn't have the depth to understand what and who he disagrees with. He is a mental midget and dangerous. Will the media make up for it's past mistakes by coming out and calling for his impeachment? Our lives and the lives of our children are at stake and cannot remain in his or his administrations hands.

— Posted by gfaigen