The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101276 Message #2041507
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
02-May-07 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: illegals prove they are not needed ...
Subject: RE: BS: illegals prove they are not needed ...
Riginslinger, the reason produce harvesting isn't mechanized is that it can't be. For crops that can be mechanically harvested (some root crops, cotton), small farmers cannot survive; the machines are too expensive. As costs rise, produce is obtained from outside the country; mechanize or use unskilled local labor and prices skyrocket. In our groceries here we are getting fine tomatoes from Guatemala and Mexico; grapes come from Chile and South Africa, canteloupe from Central America. These are fine, hand-picked fruits. Hand-trimmed and carefully packed lettuce and greens from California, etc., will remain affordable only so long as skilled immigrant pickers remain in the fields- the price goes up and Mexico-Central America will become the source. Goodbye produce farmers!
Beardedbruce, Simple-minded Lew Dobbs is ignorant of much of American law. My children have dual citizenship, living in Canada with emigrated parents. Many who work overseas for American companies are required to take out citizenship of the country in which they work. The regulations are varied depending on countries involved and international agreements between them.
Mind-addled Lou and his bigoted demands for English only never mentions the large territory involved in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In the constitution of the state of New Mexico, section 5 states "The rights, privileges and immunities, civil, political and religious guaranteed to the people of New Mexico by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo shall be preserved inviolate." New Mexico's constitution recognizes the state as officially bilingual. (One of three families in New Mexico speak Spanish at home). Section 10 of the Constitution: "Children of Spanish descent in the state of New Mexico shall never be denied the right and privilege of admission and attendance in the public schools or other educational institutions of the state, and they shall never be classed in separate schools, but shall forever enjoy perfect equality with other children in all public schools and educational institutions of the state, and the legislature shall provide penalties for the violation of this section. This section shall never be amended except upon a vote of the people of this state, in an election at which at least three-fourths of the electors voting in the whole state and at least two-thirds of those voting in EACH county in the state shall vote for such amendment."
Other states in territory obtained from Mexico and subject to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo have similar allowances.
New Mexico hires teachers from Spain and Latin America, in conformance with Section 8 of the Constitution which states "The legislature shall provide for the training of teachers in the normal schools or otherwise so that they may become proficient in both the English and Spanish languages ...."
(Dobbs twists other laws, statutes agreements and treaties in his rants, especially with regard to China.)